3PSolutions process consist of using proven IE and Lean Manufacturing tools and techniques:
1) Analyze existing processes.
Using video files and AVIX software, rapidly analyse the various process steps. (AVIX website link below)
Continiously filmed, depend on type of Process, 30 second cycle for high volume production process will need minimum of 10 repetitions, but longer cycle time process, with more work-content, may need less repetitions, but extended work step analysis.
2) Identify waste, identify opportunities for improvement.
Observing and highlight excess walking, waiting, rework or over-processing activities,
Use these defined steps as starting point to investigate WHY activities are required.
Define work by Value-Adding, Non-Value added as Required and Muda, such as Waiting.
3) Document standard work and determine labor standards.
Define activities by Associate, Cycle Time vs Takt Time, and Current Work content balance between Associates.
Work content exceeding Takt Time will represent bottle-neck within the work flow. Under-balanced work content will result in associates waiting, and sometimes producing more parts that required.
4) Re-Balance Work Content, develop improvement Propoals
Develop line re-balance proposals, to eliminate wasted time and effort.
Provide Standard Work Instructions & Pillar Charts, that can be used as evaluaton and training.
3PS Project deliverables
Determine Labor Standards and Cost of Labor: Time & Method Study
Determine Worker Utilization: Line Balance Pillar Charts.
Identify Wasted effort, activities, motion, lost time, bottle-necks, etc.
Identify Areas for Improvement, Cost savings or Capacity increase.
Propose solutions to improve processes & activities, Review with Owner/staff.
Training and Coaching ( if Requested )