Select an appropriate Proof of Concept project to implement.
Use POC to test the 3Psolutions Process, prove that improvement(s) realised the projected savings, and make decions to integrate this improvement technique within your buziness. Stabilize and build confidence in the CI Process,
Develop a culture of CI, always try to reduce waste throughout all functions, challenge the status quo, and tackle the next project
If team feels confident to use AVIX as main IE tool, will be worth making that investment,
if not, identify next bottle neck process for 3PS to analysis.
Contact me for a discussion,
Plant visits can be accomodated, but travel costs outside Birmingjham AL area will be required.
Capture and send sample video of POC project for initial review.
Provide some detail on number of stations/associates, daily customer demand, etc.
Cost estimate for POC will be provided, upon initial project review.
Conventional Thinking means we increase cost to the Customer, pass along the cost from suppliers, for example. Lean thinking reduce Operations cost instead, means we can remain competitive.
Change, like the prevailing winds also relate to Risk and Uncertainty,
”ability to adjust = learning zone”, quote from Mike Rother, Toyota Kata.